Theme Hospital Walkthrough
Now we get to the actual Theme Hospital walkthrough. I will go level-by-level and discuss goals and other useful information as well as provide videos where I setup hospitals for each level and actually play Theme Hospital.
Theme Hospital Walkthrough – Level 1 Toxicity
This is a decent first hospital with plenty of space and a healthy starting balance. Get the place up and running as soon as possible by building a GP’s office near the front door with a Pharmacy across from it, and a Psychiatric Office and General Diagnosis room nearby.
Next, furnish the corridor with benches, a drink machine, a few radiators, and a reception desk. Hire a receptionist, a handyman, a nurse, and 3 doctors (one with Psychiatric qualifications, if possible). Now you are ready to open your very first hospital!
Once you have opened the hospital, you will want to build a staff room with a couple couches, Toilets with at least 3 stalls and a sink. Eventually, you will want to add an Inflator Room and a Ward to have to complete the level goals.
If one of your first patients has an enlarged head (Bloaty Head), you will want to build that Inflation Clinic sooner rather than later!
Minimum Recommended Staffing Requirements To Advance
4 Doctors
- At least one Psychiatrist
2 Nurses
3 Handymen
1 Receptionist
Reputation: 300 or better
Bank balance: $1000 +
Visitors Treated: 40
Patients Cured: 10
Hospital Value: $55,000 +