Extra Theme Hospital Tips And Tricks
Here are some extra theme hospital tips to keep your hospitals running smoothly.
When starting the level
- You can slow down time to the slowest setting under Options -> Game Speed in order to build the hospital quickly and get started with the best staff.
- Pay attention to room placement, especially in later levels. Try to place most of your clinics and treatment rooms in the same area close to the helipad, so you can get through emergencies quickly and treat patients most efficiently.
- The Ward and the Operating Theater should be close together.
- If you can, place all of your diagnostic rooms in the same building, so patients can be assessed quickly without walking across the hospital multiple times.
- Reception and GP’s Offices should be next to the main front door.
- Get your research department going if possible.
- You don’t need plants.
- Make sure there’s plenty of seating near all diagnostic and treatment areas.
- Place plenty of radiators throughout the hospital to keep patients warm and staff happy.
- Every building needs at least one drink machine.
- In larger hospitals, make sure you have a bathroom in almost every building.
Hiring Tips
- New staff come available for hire the 1st day of every month, and good ones go quickly. Try to get the most qualified staff possible by looking as early in the month as you can.
- It’s worth hiring junior doctors with specialty skills to make training easier
- Get a consultant with all 3 specialties as soon as possible in later levels and make them a teacher to make training most useful
- Hire the best receptionist available
- Higher skill level means faster worker
Staffing Tips
- Use consultant level doctors in GP’s Offices and other diagnosis rooms to get patients in and out much quicker
- Never put a junior doctor to work anywhere. That’s an accident waiting to happen!
- In levels with epidemics, you can’t have too many nurses, despite what the little guy says
- Handymen are very useful. They not only keep the corridors clean, but they also maintain equipment, water plants, and prevent boiler failure.
- You should have at least as many handymen as you have doctors, and have some that specialize in cleaning and others that specialize in maintenance
- Always set policy to allow staff to take breaks when they are 25-30% tired. That way they don’t burn out or ask for raises too often.
- You can also set policy to send patients home if the certainty of diagnosis is below 70% and to take a chance at a possible cure above 75% to minimize the alerts about not knowing what to do with a patient.
- Try to get your surgeons on the same break schedule or hire 3 surgeons per operating room
End of Year Rewards And Trophies
- Best Reputation of all hospitals = between $2000 and $4000 cash
- Higher share of the local population than other institutions = +35 increase in reputation
- Most valuable hospital in the gain = and increase in reputation between +20 and +35
- Impeccable standards and highest reputation = $2000 cash
- Life goes on award for no patient deaths this year = $10,000 cash
- Global dentist or chocolate covered trophy for selling drinks = $1000 cash
- Clean and safe hospital as noted by inspectors = reputation increase of between +20 and +30
- Nobel prize for impressing every VIP that visited this year = +14 reputation
Other Useful Tips
- If you are running low on money, but are otherwise able to build and staff rooms that patients currently need, take out a loan from the bank by hitting the dollar sign in the left-hand corner ($)
- Shooting the rats running through the hospital may decrease your chances of an epidemic. Be sure a hangman cleans up the remains!
- Never send patients to the research department. They will die!
- When you get an earthquake warning sign, you can slow the game speed down to give you more time to check your machinery
- Vaccinate infected patients as soon as possible in an epidemic. If you can’t treat them all very quickly, send them all home to avoid a fine.
- You can use the research screen to set priorities. Always set diagnostic and cure equipment to the highest priority until they are complete.
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