In this section, we will go through every available room, how they function, and where to put them for maximum efficiency
Diagnostic Rooms
These rooms are used to properly diagnose patients’ ailments in order to decide the best course of treatment.

GP’s Office (Doctor Required)
This is the most important diagnostic room available. Every single patient is sent directly from reception to the GP’s office to begin the diagnostic process. If this initial attempt at diagnosis fails, the patient is referred to other diagnostic areas and then returns to the GP’s office with a diagnosis order to be sent to the correct treatment room.
Without at least one of these, or 3-4 in later levels, your hospital would cease to function. One efficient strategy is to have 1-2 of these at the reception area and an additional 1-2 available closer to other diagnostic and treatment areas.
*Pro Tip: If you staff these offices with consultant level doctors, they will get through the queue of patients much faster and usually get the diagnosis right on the first attempt.

Psychiatric (Doctor with the Psychiatry specialty required)
This functions as both a diagnostic room and a treatment room, so it requires a specially-trained doctor and stays fairly busy.
This room can be entertaining to watch and brings in quite a bit of revenue without much upkeep. Most hospitals only need one Psychiatric Office, except in the event of an emergency.

General Diagnosis (Doctor Required)
This is a useful diagnosis room in early game, as it is available without research and is a place where patients can be diagnosed after seeing a GP. Patients generally loved this room, but it is slow in comparison to some other rooms and does not cost patients much money.
In later levels, you can choose to not build this room or to delete it to force patients to use faster diagnosis rooms that will net you more money.
Cardiogram (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
The cardiogram is a useful piece of diagnosis equipment, which functions like a physical. This room can identify a range of diseases but is slow and not able to diagnose everything. It is useful in earlier levels but can be skipped in upper levels in favor of more efficient diagnosis rooms.
X-ray (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
A very quick and efficient room that does a full-body X-ray of the patient. This diagnostic area does require research to build and periodic maintenance to upkeep.

Scanner (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
This is a fun diagnosis area to watch, because the ways that the scanner scans the patient are weirdly comical yet effective. The scanner is able to identify almost any illness quickly and will generate a lot of revenue.
The downside is that this high-tech solution requires a lot of research to get and a fair bit of maintenance to keep around.

Ultrascan (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
Similar to an ultrasound, this room requires quite a bit of research to unlock and is expensive to build. However, it makes up for it with its diagnostic efficiency. The ultrascan is fairly quick and able to pick up over 90% of possible game diseases.

Blood Machine (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
This is an odd machine that is expensive to buy and maintain but good at diagnosing a wide range of diseases. I believe it works by taking blood samples, although that is not what it looks like it is doing while in use.
This room requires a lot of research to unlock and periodic maintenance. A scanner room is usually more preferable for patients, so this room usually won’t have much of a queue.
Treatment Rooms
Patients go to these rooms to be treated and, usually, cured.

Pharmacy (Nurse Required)
This is probably the most important treatment room where all the drugs are dispensed to cure a number of ailments. A good nurse is needed to keep the queue from getting too long.
In later levels, it is definitely worth having 2-3 pharmacies in your hospital, all staffed with skilled nurses to keep queues to a minimum and increase patient satisfaction. Pharmacies should also be located near the helipad where emergency patients come in. Many emergencies involve pharmacy preparations, so it helps to make quick work of those.

Ward (Nurse Required)
This room is similar to a NHS hospital ward where multiple people are put in beds in one room. This room can be used as part of the diagnosis process, but it mainly functions as a place patients go to rest before an operation.
The ward is best placed near an operating theater for efficiency and can easily accommodate about 5-6 beds at a time. If you find that you need more than six beds, consider building a second ward.

Operating Theater (2 Surgeons and Maintenance Required)
This is where all patients needing invasive surgery go. The surgery process is fairly slow but can earn you some nice profits. In particularly busy, large medical establishments, it is worth having two operating theaters, if you have the staff to keep them going.
Each operating room requires some maintenance and 2 qualified surgeons. A more qualified surgeon increases the likelihood of a quicker surgery and a good outcome. It’s also a good idea to have 3 surgeons per operating room, because it cuts down on the wait times when you can continue performing surgeries while one surgeon rests in the staff room.
Specialized clinic areas with equipment designed to treat a specific illness.

Inflation Clinic (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
Inflation Clinic is used to cure Bloaty Head and is one of the most entertaining rooms to watch. First, A needle is stuck into the patient’s head to make it pop like a balloon. Then, a bike pump hose is shoved in their mouth to inflate the head back to normal, like a bicycle tire.
This room is a must as many patients come in with Bloaty Head, and this clinic does not require any research to build.

Slack Tongue Clinic (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
Another hilarious room to watch! In this one, the machine cures Slack Tongue by slicing off the excess and shaping the patient’s tongue. This process happens rapidly, so you can easily get patients in and out of this room with a skilled doctor.

Fracture Clinic (Nurse and Maintenance Required)
This is a machine that requires a Nurse to operate it with a few button presses. It quickly and efficiently pulls bandages off in one long stream that goes into a bucket while the patient hangs out in the machine with only their head sticking out.

Hair Restoration (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
In this clinic, a hair restorer shaped like the dryers you sit under at the hairdresser is used to affix hair to the head and shape it to look normal. This is one that balding people will wish existed in real life!

Electrolysis (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
Here’s another room that is interesting to keep an eye on when you get a chance! Basically, the hairy patient is electrocuted with a ridiculous amount of electricity to fry the hair right off them. The process is quick but probably far from painless.
I imagine the Electrolysis Clinic has a permanent burnt hair smell that will never wash out!

Decontamination (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
This room has a shower that appears to spray the patient with a mixture of water and beams of some kind to get rid of Serious Radiation.
The shower requires frequent maintenance, so be sure to check the status of it in the event of an impending earthquake.

Jelly Vat (Doctor and Maintenance Required)
This is the funniest treatment room of the entire game! It consists of a long, tube-shaped piece of machinery that cures Jellyitis. The person’s gel-like form hardens in the machine to form a normal human.
Jelly Vat Clinic is only available to build in the top levels after a lot of research and requires a ton of maintenance or frequent replacements to keep up, but it’s well worth it to watch these patients being cured in a bizarrely comical way!

DNA Fixer (Research Specialty Doctor and Maintenance Required)
People with Alien DNA get cured with the DNA Fixer. This is only available in the final levels and requires a researcher to function.
This is another entertaining room to view, because the patients infected with alien DNA look like funny cartoon aliens and the cure is interesting as well.
Extra areas that are necessary to keep people comfortable, discover new rooms or technology, and train staff.

Staff Room
This is where your staff go to rest and take breaks. It is a good idea to have a few couches in here and a radiator in order to accommodate multiple staff and keep them comfortable. If you want to raise their happiness faster, you can add a video game to the room.
Other furnishings are not needed. In fact, a pool table takes more time and causes staff to take much longer breaks.

Toilets are necessary to keep patients comfortable and satisfied. You can fit several stalls in one bathroom and only need one bathroom on the first 5 levels, located in the heavily-trafficked diagnostic areas. In later levels, you can add toilets near various treatment areas as well to keep patients from having to walk all the way across a large, thriving medical establishment to use the toilet.
If you hang out near this room, you will hear all sorts of crudely humorous bathroom sounds (i.e grunting, straining, farting, etc.)

Research Department
Research is vital for the discovery of new rooms, cures, diseases, and technology. The research department takes up a lot of space, but it is worth having at least 3 desks in here to make room for multiple researchers to work.
Put doctors with the research specialty in here to get all available rooms and advancements out of the way quickly. Do not skimp on research!
*Pro Tip: Never send patients to the research department unless you actually want them to be killed and autopsied, which will damage your reputation in the long run.

Training Room
This room becomes crucial in later levels to ensure that you have enough well-trained, skilled doctors to staff your specialty areas. The teacher has to be a consultant and ideally will have as many specialties as possible.
Try to grab a skilled consultant early on, especially one with surgery qualifications to help you train several surgeons. If you can’t get a consultant with multiple specialities, try to hire low level junior doctors with multiple specialties and train them until you get a consultant with all three specialties (Research, Psychiatric, and Surgery) and use them to teach your trainees.