Castle Of The Winds Download + Castle Of The Winds 2

Castle Of The Winds is a two-part fantasy RPG developed by Rick Saada and released in 1993 for Windows 3.1. This was a very successful game at the time and still is a blast to play today. In this post, you can get a Castle Of The Winds download, including Castle of The Winds 2: Lifthransir’s Bane, watch a gameplay video, and learn more about this classic retro game.

About the Castle Of The Winds Series

The first title in the series, Castle Of The Winds: A Question of Vengeance, is the original shareware title of the series and became one of the most popular games ever released for Windows 3.1. In this part, your main goal is to explore dungeons, fight monsters, and collect useful items while searching for the people who took your father’s amulet and burned your godparents farm to the ground.

From there, you learn that there is even more to the story. In order to avenge your family, you must retrieve a helm taken by a powerful demon lord. Only then can you claim your true birthright. This quest leads you to the deep dungeon of Castle Of The Winds Part 2, AKA Castle Of The Winds: Lifthransir’s Bane.

Along the way, you will encounter a wide variety of monsters and other creatures. The variety of enemies and traps, along with the hundreds of possible spells, weapons, and armor pieces that you can discover make the game a complex and addictive challenge. You never know what you will come across next!

Here is an example of gameplay from the beginning.

The graphics are not the greatest, but the story and actual gameplay are deep and compelling. Also, levels are randomly generated, so you can replay this game as much as you want without getting bored.

For additional gameplay tips and information, you can check out our game guide post series or watch the full play-through video series on the DJ Retro Games YouTube channel.

Castle Of The Winds Download With Castle Of The Winds 2

Castle Of the Winds: A Question of Vengeance was a very popular shareware title in the 1990s. In order to get the second part of the game, you had to mail off $25 and wait to receive it and defeat the evil Lord Surtur. However, this game is now considered freeware/abandonware and was released on the internet for free by the author.

To obtain a free Castle Of The Winds download with Castle of The Winds 2, hit the download button below.

With a bit of technical knowledge, you can get this game working on any computer by installing and running Windows 3.x in DosBox. The best guide I have found for how to accomplish that is this one.

After you install Windows 3.x and get it running, you just unzip the COTW download file, and add the resulting folder to your c:\dos folder. You can also add a shortcut to both games in Windows 3.x by clicking file, new, and browsing until you find the .exe file.

Do you enjoy playing Castle Of The Winds? Share your thoughts on the game and/or ask any questions in the comments below!

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